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The Tomb of Rabbi Loew

The story of the golem is the type of myth that urban legends are borne from, but it is also the kind of myth that has the power to evoke fear and grow the seeds of hatred.

My original plan to retell the story of Judah Loew ben Bezalel’s golem for Halloween has changed a bit given recent events in Pittsburgh. I have decided to focus more on the man himself than the story that often has the Rabbi dabbling in occult mysticism. Although Judah Loew is credited as the creator of the golem, his contributions to the Jewish community in Prague, and to Judaism as it is practiced today, far outweigh anything the Rabbi may have accomplished through any sort of magic.

tomb of Judah LoewRabbi Loew’s body was laid to rest among a great many others in the Old Jewish Cemetery in Prague. Also known as “The Maharal of Prague” (great teacher), Judah Loew ben Bezalel was born somewhere between 1510 and 1530. Less ambiguous is his place of birth; most accounts place his birth in Poland, although his family is said to have come from Germany. Others say he was born in Germany and moved to Poland later. What is not debated is the fact that Rabbi Loew was a great leader to the Jews of Prague.

The Maharal came from a family of well-known Rabbis and Jewish scholars. It should be no surprise, then, that Judah Loew immersed himself not only in the study of the Talmud, but also science, math, physics and astronomy. Loew was an avid reader and his studies included the Kaballah, a mystical interpretation of the Bible, the writings of Copernicus, and Martin Luther’s translation of the Bible in German. It is no wonder, then, that the medieval Jewish community of Prague revered him, and even considered him the wielder of great mystical power.

220px-Prague-golem-reproductionThe story of the golem is the type of myth that urban legends are borne from, but it is also the kind of myth that has the power to evoke fear and grow the seeds of hatred. Like any urban myth, the story changes depending on who is telling it. In short, the Rabbi created a man made out of clay (golem).  He used a Talisman to bring the golem to life during the day when it would be sent out to perform good deeds among the community. At night the golem would be returned to its inanimate form. When the golem had outlived its usefulness, he was placed in the attic of the synagogue in Prague and was never seen again.

Other more sinister versions of the story are told, turning the Rabbi into more of a Dr. Frankenstein than a great leader, and the golem into an out-of-control monster which was destroyed in order to save the people from its ravenous evil appetite. Perhaps it is just as well that the story of Rabbi Loew’s Golem never quite made it into the repertoire of well-known Halloween legends. Personally, I prefer to think of the Rabbi as a great leader and scholar who was revered by his people to the point that they believed him capable of magic.

For further study on Judah Loew ben Bezalel, I recommend the following:

To those who have been waiting for Thomas Davies‘ ancestor landing page, I would like to assure you that it is finished. However, due to the immense variation in genealogical details and a couple of migraine headaches, I did not finish it until last night, and I did not want to publish a page and a post on the same day. On Monday, November 5, I will publish a newsletter detailing what can be expected for the month, and Thomas Davies’ landing page will be posted the next day (November 6).

Responses to “The Tomb of Rabbi Loew”

  1. nwpaintedlady

    LOL ok I hit the wrong key and sent you and A as in Another great post but I guess we can call it and “A” post but I would much rather have given your an At …loved the post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Marianne Kwiatkowski

      I hate it when that happens! Once you hit “send,” there’s no going back. Thanks so much!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Amy

    Have you been to the cemetery in Prague? We were there in 2015. It’s incredible. Great post, Marianne. Many years ago we saw a wonderful production of The Golem by H. Leivick. If you ever have a chance to see it, it’s quite moving.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Marianne Kwiatkowski

      Thanks Amy! Yes, my visit to the Prague cemetery was part of my inspiration to create Stories From the Past. You can read about it on my recent post titled “A Tale of Two Cemeteries,” https://storiesfromthepast.com/2018/10/10/a-tale-of-two-cemeteries/. I I hope I get an opportunity to see the play as well.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Amy

        I will check out that post!


  3. Liz Gauffreau

    What an interesting post! I’d never heard the legend of the golem before. It strikes me as archetypal.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Marianne Kwiatkowski

      Thanks, Liz. It’s a pretty cool legend. I wondered if Frankenstein’s monster was inspired by the golem. Both stories could be archetypes of our desire to be creators and controllers in a more godlike way.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Nancy

    This was an interesting post about a man I had never heard of. I like your last thought about the Rabbi being a great leader and scholar who was revered by the people. Isn’t it interesting how the legends develop and change? Thanks so much for sharing.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. EvaAnne

    I heard a little bit about this Rabbi when I was in Prague last year, but now I know more of his history! He sounds like a great man of his time, and like many well-known men, rumors and myths spread about them as time goes on. I’m glad to know more about the myth and the man! Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Marianne Kwiatkowski

      I’m glad you stopped by, EvaAnne. I loved learning about the Maharal myself. I wonder what he was actually like.


  6. Diane

    Thank you for a very informative post! I admit that I do not know very much about the Jewish community, or its history. I would like to learn more. With your informative post about the life of Rabbi Loew, you have taught me quite a bit about a revered leader in the Jewish community.

    In regards to the story about the golem and mysticism: I think that anytime a large group of people do not understand something, they chalk it up to the gods or magic. In the 1500’s, there was still a lot that was unknown by the majority of people. The Rabbi was blessed to be well-educated, and well-read. With the general population not being as educated, I am sure he looked to be almost “godlike” in their eyes.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Marianne Kwiatkowski

      I never knew much about being Jewish. As I learn, I share!

      Liked by 1 person

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