
Springville Cemetery Tells its own Stories

The tombstones tell the stories.

It’s rare that you come across a cemetery this well-loved. Around here, cemeteries are clean, lawns are watered and mowed regularly, and a caretaker cleans up old grave decorations.  But I’ve never seen a cemetery like this one.  As soon as I laid eyes on it, I knew that I would get some good pictures, even though I was using my cell phone. I didn’t expect to get a panoramic view that I could use for my header photo, but as you can clearly see, it worked out great.  Here’s another panorama:

Springville wide1

I don’t think Springville Cemetery  always looked this good.  I can imagine it overgrown with weeds, and tombstones knocked over and used for target practice by rambunctious kids.  Now it is completely fenced and cleaned up, but the oldest tombstones needed rescuing. Some, beyond repair, were rescued anyway:

row of broken tombstones

Springville tombstones

reset better

Others of the oldest tombstones have been completely replaced with monuments and slabs that look more like some of my blog posts:

Aaron Johnson Springville
This thing is huge! And there is at least one more for another Mormon pioneer here in Springville Cemetery.

Here’s another replacement. This woman died at 30 years old, but the information on the bench shows a difficult life.  She may have died young, but I think she was just plain worn out:

Sarah Elizabeth Davis

This new tombstone on an old grave pays homage to a fallen officer of the law:

Levi was just 24 years old.

Some families:



Some soldiers who died in the Blackhawk War:

blakhawk1 blackhawk2There is a monument to servicemen, but by the time I got to it, it was too dark to get good pictures.  I think I’ll save monuments to fallen soldiers for a Memorial Day post.

And one last close-up of some Springville graves:




Responses to “Springville Cemetery Tells its own Stories”

  1. Terri Webster Schrandt

    I love wandering around in old cemeteries. I live near the Gold country of northern California and many of the them are not well-kept. It is interesting to see the names of folks who came from back east for the gold rush of the 1880s and died here. Loved your post and pics!


    1. Marianne

      That is awesome Terri! It’s easy to piece together the stories when you know a little history. All you have to do is look at dates and places.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Leyla

    Nice post 🙂


  3. kowsdontski

    Thanks, Leyla!


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